GOBBLER SAWTOOTH OAK Quercus acutissima is very similar to the Sawtooth oak. The main difference in the size of the acorns. It is a fast growing deciduous tree. It makes a great shade trre, ffod for the turkeys and other wildife.
Zone 5-9
We only ship to the continental USA no shipping to California, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Our plants ship bare root or with minimal soil in a bag. 5 gallon pots or larger they must be picked up at the nursery ( or call for special shipping arrangements to see if we can ship to you ).
Times Available for shipping
Plant Zones 8-9 : Late January-February
Plant Zones 7-8 : February-March
Plant Zones 5-6: April– early May
The picture is an example and is not always the actual plant being shipped